Posted by ET on July 25, 2000 at 08:53:05:
In Reply to: QS+ sounds and the Logic environment (PC version) posted by Harry Erametsa on July 22, 2000 at 05:23:11:
Hi, it is my understanding you can edit patch names in the Logic environment for Silver on Up - you may have to do it for all patches, but once it's done, it's done
: Hello,
: I include here the question I made to
: Alesis concerning the use of Logic Audio Platinium
: (PC-verion) and QS+. As you can see, Alesis
: didn't know the answer to my (and many many other's)
: problem.
: The situation suprises me: Logic software is one
: of the most common sequensers in the world and
: Alesis do not support this product!!!
: I am grateful if you have any hints for me which could be useful.
: Regards
: Harry
: Finland, Helsinki
: Harry,
: Logic uses files called "environments" to support patch names in
: synthesizers. I know that you can find Mac versions of these environment
: files for Alesis keyboards at's Unofficial Alesis site
: .
: I am not aware of a PC version that you can download. There is a discussion
: board at this same website. You might want to post a message and see if
: anyone has created their own environment. You also might want to email
: Emagic and see if they have the environment file you are looking for.
: Thank You,
: Ben Ling, Alesis Tech Support
: -----Original Message-----
: From: Harri Erämetsä/Netresponse Systems Oy
: []
: Sent: Monday, July 17, 2000 2:00 PM
: To:
: Subject: Quadrasynth Plus Piano
: Hi,
: I've been some years owner of the Alesis Quadrasynth Plus Piano Keyboard.
: Although its not the newest product I find it still very good instrument,
: the sounds are OK.
: I just got one major problem: I use my Quadrasynth with Emagic Logic
: sequenser (version PC/Windows Audio Platinium, 4.21).
: For some reason Logic doesn't know Quadrasynths sound library in its synt.
: sound name library, although the library includers about
: 20 most popular synt. keyboard products. Have you any idea how to make my
: Quadrasynth work with Logic (i.e. how to change the
: QS banks and sounds from the Logic software and get all the soundnames of my
: QS to the sequenser automatically)?
: Why doesnt the Logic support Alesis?
: Regards
: Harry Erametsa
: Helsinki, Finland