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MIDI Software and Hardware


This page is reserved for your gear and software reviews. If you use some sort of MIDI gear, studio equipment, synth, sampler, sound card, etc, or any music software, please share your views, good and bad experiences with the rest of us. Reviews are the most valuable information buyers can get. We are interested of what equipment do you use, what features you like or dislike. Sounds, usability, interface, reliability, service and support, whatever you can tell us. There is no form to fill out, simply send an email to : the webmaster Thank you.

Software Reviews

Passport Designs

by Brian

I use Music@Passport (Encore) to enter complex scores by way of step time entry with the keyboard. Excellent in many ways. Shortcomings are: The rest operation. I have to cross hands to add rests and there is no indication if you are in rests or notes format. I have d/l many demos but not even the most expensive notational program surpass Passport in performance. Perhaps the rest problem could be solved by having it enter via the foot pedal and produce an odd sound so that you know you are in rest format.


Hardware Reviews

Kawai K5000W Synthesizer
Alesis QS8 Synthesizer
Korg NS5R Tone Module
Yamaha CS1X Synhesizer
Yamaha Nocturne N100 Digital Piano
Yamaha YDP-213 Digital Piano

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