Posted by Greg Jones on September 12, 2000 at 20:25:52:
I just purchased a Lexicon Core 2 soundcard and I'm having trouble getting the ADAT input to work correctly.
I'm running Cubase VST/24 3.7 on a Windows 98 based PC. I'm not actually using an ADAT but rather an Alesis QS8 synth which has an ADAT output.
I set the synth to Internal 48k, activated the ADAT inputs, the D/A outputs and activated the punch on the Lexpanel (via Cubase). Cubase was set for Internal ADAT under the systems menu.
But after choosing these settings, I get a noise through my speakers. Upon rebooting the computer, the system wants to go to safe mode. A second cold boot returned everything to normal.
Can anyone on this forum offer me any assistance?