One other thought

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Posted by f3 on January 30, 2001 at 20:32:59:

In Reply to: Thanks!!!! ( no text) posted by Gary B on January 30, 2001 at 19:22:30:

Gary -

Since this can become a bit of a pain to do everytime you want record dry, I'd suggest calling up Multitimbral from the User Mix bank, press Edit once, get to the "Level" setting and go to page 4. Step through each of the 16 channels setting them all to Aux. To e thorough, you can also then go to Page 5 while you're there and turn all the FX send levels of each channel down to 0. Then Store this new Mix Program somewhere in the User bank (I call mine AuxNoFX) and just call that Mix up when you're doing this kind of dry recording. Works for me on the QSR.

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