Re: Unisyn Installation ?!?

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Posted by Rod on February 16, 2001 at 14:59:13:

In Reply to: Unisyn Installation ?!? posted by Lunnis on February 15, 2001 at 10:56:48:

The profile is needed in the full-blown unisyn, so that the program can recognize the instrument layout, operation modes, etc. Each different synthesizer needs its own profile in unisyn.

The Unisyn program that comes in the alesis cd rom (the first ones did, at least; the later ones came with emagic sounddriver, if not mistaken) is a truncated version which works only on the qs series. So you just install this whole program and forget about the profile, since the software is customized. If you ever buy the full blown unysin, then you have to load the profile into the program, and you can delete this 'customized' unisyn.

Now, if you have a later model qs that came with a cd-rom which has a different editor than unisyn, the profile is useless unless you buy the full program.

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