Sampling capability of QS7 and difference between QS7 and QS7.1

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Posted by Shreenivas on September 18, 2001 at 17:58:26:

Hi Forum,

I am planning to buy a QS7 and I understand that I can use the wave files as my samples using the FlashRAM. What I want to know from the forum is, is it possible to tweek the sample using the QS7 synth functions like changing the cut-off freq, changing release velocity, time, attack parameters, decay parameters and the EG curve parameters etc.

Another question is. I have no money for 7.1 bcz it costs around $150 etc. I want to make sure that my understanding is correct on the difference between 7 and 7.1. As fas as I know, the 7.1 has a better GM sound banks, bigger display and dedicated buttons for sequence-select and octave shift and a enhanced/stable O/S. Are there anymore differences that what I know. I need to make a quick decision, So a faster reply will be great on both the questions

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