Posted by img on September 28, 2004 at 11:29:10:
In Reply to: Re: load new patches posted by Jon on September 26, 2004 at 23:03:33:
The "exanpdo" banks use the existing internal QS6,7, 8 sound ROM and are "new" patches (programs in Alesis speak) built on those sounds.
They CAN ALL be loaded onto a 512K SRAM card (available at the Midi Store - go look at the "cards" section) via Soundbridge. You can have as many as 8 additional "user" (expando in this case) banks on a RAM card - really handy.
Or they can be individually loaded into your EXISITING user bank using Freeloader. You can use Freeloader to first save your user bank on a PC then load a bank at time into the user bank memory area of your QS6.1 to check out the patches. Soundbridge is meant to work with SRAM and Flash RAM cards on your QS not your QS user memory - use Freeloader for that.
You could also load a bank at a time to see if there is anything you like - then do a factory reset to restore factory user bank on the QS6.1 Of course this later method assumes you do not have any home grown patches (ones you tweaked yourself) in which case I would recommend saving your user bank.
You need to do some more reading here at FAQ, Soundbridge, midi files, etc.
If you got a free "editor" with your QS 6 (not sure what they come with if you got the or a CD with your QS6.1 or not) you can then take individual patches you like and mix and match into your own customized user bank. I think there are some free or shareware QS editors out there somewhere if you didn't get one with your QS 6.
I would spring for a RAM card. Since the QS6.1 only has one card slot if you plan on using that for a ROM (Q card) then using your PC to be off-line storage and keeping libraries there is always a viable solution - not as fast as a RAM card but workable.
Install and run it.
When it first comes up make sure you configure the correct MIDI in and out ports (to/ from your QS) via the "Devices" tab.
To first save your user bank to the PC click the "sysex" tab, then click the "wait for Sysex send" it is waiting for Sysex data from your QS 6 at this point
Goto QS and (read your manual) and under "store" menu at some page, there should be a "send all data to midi" menu page. Hit store again (unless QS6.1 is different than QS8) this should send user data to PC.
Once QS is done sending you can "save" this Sysex file (give it a usable name) to your PC. The file name will be *.syx"
Then using the little drive/directory window on the left hand side go find the expando bank .syx files and laod them into the paly window and hit play - this will send the data to your QS 6. When done, since you saved your user bank you can always send it back to QS and restore the QS to it''s previous state.
Good luck