Re: Soundbridge OSX/Classic problem

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Posted by Joe on October 20, 2005 at 04:29:28:

In Reply to: Soundbridge OSX/Classic problem posted by BRUCE on July 05, 2005 at 05:55:58:

Bad news - Apple completely re-wrote everything that has to do with MIDI, which as you found is now controlled by CoreMIDI. I have worked with Griffin Technology extensively to help make an extension/patch that would allow their G4Port serial interface to work with MIDI under OSX and the final verdict was that the timing (the frequency in which the operating system polls for things like the G4Port) is not controllable to the point that it can be made to work. So NO standard serial MIDI apps (like those that require OMS) will work under OSX OR in Classic mode. I keep an old PM7300 setup in my studio just for these applications (most specifically to control THREE Opcode Studio 5LX MIDI Patchbays which are capable of controlling 16 MIDI devices each and can be networked - which gives me control over 48 MIDI devices!). Apple's answer was to 'junk' my legacy equipment and update it! No-one has anything even close to the Studio 5LX - the closest MIDI patch bays today have 8 ports - which would require SIX patch bays, and they would have to be chained using USB! Way too many things work only under TRUE OS 9 - so I recommend that anyone with a studio keep an older Mac around with OS9. You can get a 7300 for less than $50 and it can take up to 1Gig of RAM.

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