Posted by Tom on January 12, 1998 at 12:00:56:
Wish List: If you had a reasonable amount of time and money to set up a solid home midi-studio what would it consist of?
I've been browsing the net for information on what kind of synth keyboard, computer, and sequencing software I should make a considerable investment in. My hope is that experienced people with vast familiarity in the realm of computer music can share their suggestions and experiences for the best components for my soon to be home studio system. Basically, knowing what you know now, having made the mistakes, tried many different keyboards, software, etc., what would you recommend?
More information and my thoughts to date:
What do I want do, and what kind of music will I be making?
-Rock and Roll, Funk, Blues. Need the ability to record rhythm/lead guitars, drums, and vocals via a microphone. Record at least 8 tracks. Being a relative novice, I don't want something way too complicated and complex, however I don't mind a learning curve if it leads to greater creativity and music.
-Keyboards/Synth: After test driving the many keyboards out there, I am favorably leaning towards the Alesis QS8. I am looking for a keyboard synth that has a wide variety of sounds, (great bass, strings, drums, piano). I like the key action, the sound quality, and the versatility of the QS8. Importantly, it can be hooked up to Mac/PC with relative ease, offers add-on sound cards and ROM, and has a decent price tag. The tiny LCD won't really bother me as long as a software sequencing program has easy navigable screens that replaces the need for the keyboard display.
-Computer: Mac or PC? I am competent on both platforms, but favor Macs because I find them easier to use. Is any one platform better than the other? Are there industry standards out there? I am thinking of getting one of the fast G3 Mac's recently released. If I went with a Windows 95 platform, a Pentium II processor with lots of HD Space and RAM.
-Software, etc.: No ideas or experience here. It seems like Cakewalk for windows is popular and respected. Cubase also seems to be a good program. Any input here would be helpful.
-Sound cards: No idea. Any input would be helpful. Looking for great sound, versatility and compatibility. Would the Creative Labs SB64 Gold sound card be a good choice?
Thanks in advance for your time and help.