Re: QS8 - defining the ABCD Controllers

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Posted by Ed Richey on February 07, 1998 at 08:46:56:

In Reply to: Re: QS8 - defining the ABCD Controllers posted by Jeff Tubaugh on December 14, 1997 at 07:07:25:

: There was the exact same question out here a few months ago. I don't see it anymore though. Basically, I don't think you can assign controllers at a MIX level. At least I have not found a way. You have to assign them at a program level. Then when you assign the programs to the mix, the controllers you assigned to the program operate on the individual programs in the mix.

: Its too bad its set up this way. It would be REALLY useful to be able to assign controllers at a Mix level. (Of course, then you'd almost need at least 16 controllers!) But if you think through setting up your programs with mixes in mind, you can accomplish what you want.

: If you, or anybody, finds another way to do this, let us know!

: Jeff

I agree!. Controller set ups are established with each program. I made a mix similar to what you are looking for. I started with a basic piano patch (Truesterio). I then edited an organ program so Controller B would fade in volume (amplitude), and saved it as a separate program. I did the same for strings and Controller C, and Brass and Controller D. Caution! This type of set up uses up the 64 voices quickly, even if the controllers have most of the instruments faded out. I got around this by selecting programs that didn't use all four sounds in program mode. For example, TrueSterio only uses 2 sounds at a time. Good Luck!

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