Re: QS7 Sliders

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Posted by mark on February 09, 1998 at 23:53:37:

In Reply to: QS7 Sliders posted by Erik Montemer on January 24, 1998 at 11:45:29:

: Anytime I am in a Piano patch, whether it be PureStereo, or TrueStereo,
: any Piano patch, the B slider seems to make some static noises when used.
: Is this normal?

: Thanks,
: E

I've noticed the same phenomenon on my QS8. Sorry, I can't be 100% certain about this 'cause I'm not in front of the keyboard, but I believe that the B slider in those patches (and many others, BTW) controls the delay effect, specifically the number of echoes that follow the initial key press. As such, if you the slider while the patch is sounding, you're (I think) "re-triggering" the effect, and the "static" sound you're hearing is actually the start of the echoes. So, in a sense, it IS "normal" for this to happen, 'cause you wouldn't want to adjust this parameter while the note is sounding....

Hope this helps.

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