Re: How can I store sounds without a card?

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Posted by Tony L on March 09, 1998 at 14:16:17:

In Reply to: How can I store sounds without a card? posted by Rodrigo Alonso on March 07, 1998 at 20:15:26:

: I have a QS8 and I work in a PC,
Use your PC and Unisyn to save new patches to the computer.

: discovered that the USER bank was capable of be
: rewritable, three things.

Don't know what you mean by "three things", but yes, you can write edited patches to the USER bank in either Mix or Program mode.

: How can I create my own banks?
Again, use Unisyn (should have come with your keyboard) - or individually edit and store patches manually using the function buttons on the QS 8.

: Is it possible to store them in the USER bank?
The user bank is the only area you may write new or edited patches to.

: What is the amount of memory is has?
I believe you can store in 120 locations...just look at the last patch in the user bank and thats how many locations are writable.

I suggest you spend an evening reading the will detail all these things. I'm afraid there is not a shortcut to understanting the characteristics of this device without doing so.

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