Posted by Mike on March 27, 1998 at 08:48:20:
In Reply to: qs6 bank chagnes via cubasis posted by Jay Canha on March 24, 1998 at 12:50:18:
: I'm having difficuly getting cubasis (which came on the
: alesis cd) to send a bank change to my qs6. I have
: found the inspection window and type different numbers
: in the bank field, but the bank doesn't change. Other
: midi functions (like program changes) seem to exectute
: without a problem. Do I need to change a cubasis or
: qs6 setting?
Yes, you do. If the QS6 is in General Midi mode (General Midi=ON), it will not accept bank changes. Turning general midi off should do the trick.
Many sequences you may download off the net turn general midi on as part of the sysex stuff at the beginning of the song. So you COULD be in GM mode without even knowing it.
But that should do the trick.