Posted by richard harris on September 07, 1998 at 09:05:15:
Can anyone help.
If my QS+ contains the samples from the Piano+ Qcard,
then I think with a little work I should be able to
download the extra banks that come with the qcard as
syx files and edit the programs to point at the samples
This Is proving a little dificult as It apears that the
QSPLUS group of samples may not be the same as the qcard
What I need to help with my experiment is a list of the
samples from the qcard, how they are organised and some
examples of programs to help piece the puzzel together.
Once all 128 programs are re-mapped, this will enable
the 100 mixes. I'll gladly share the final result (3
banks of 128progs and 100mix's ) with anyone who helps.
I know some of the programs are repeated (ie allready in
my QS+) but this has'nt helped. These syx files seem
like such good building blocks for piano sound for
the QS+ (after all it's what it does best).
Any help would be much appreciated.