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Posted by Sean Croley on June 19, 1999 at 10:29:27:

I'm in need of some advice. I recently purchased alot of new gear to
do my own album cause I got tired of getting the run around from
studios and record companies. I'm a professional session vocalist and
have been in the industry for about 11 years now.

I've been using Cakewalk for as long as I can remember and recently
just purchased Pro-8. My computer is a 166 with 32 meg of RAM I'm
using that with my Alesis QS-8 keyboard. The problem I'm having is
that when I goto sequence let's say a "Pad" sound, right in the middle
of recording, I get a stray note usually up in the higher octaves.
Alot of the time it's even beyond the keyboard range. Here's the
kicker...There's nothing showing in my "Staff" view, "Event List", and
it's not always the same note or occuring in the same place.

The other problem that was occuring is that also in the middle of
sequencing a part, my patch would change. It always changed to the
same one just a different bank. EG: Sequencing Pr3-083 and it would
jump to Pr1-083 right in the middle. I have seemed to remedy this by
turning off my sysex receive on my keyboard. However I'd like to
leave it on due to the fact that on occasion, I use patch changes.

I would love any advice and I'm willing to pay for it if it works.

Thanks so much

Sean Croley

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