Re: Sequence on QS7

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Posted by Marcos Mariano on June 27, 1999 at 06:10:46:

In Reply to: Re: Sequence on QS7 posted by Chad on June 25, 1999 at 18:13:43:

I need to use another sounds type True Stereo piano, American Org, Eurobass, etc. All sounds are in the different banks that general midi. The Eurodance card use sysex messages to send patch files to general midi multi (mix bank four patch 000) in all demo files. How can I do this? How is the sysex message that I need to put in cakewalk for change a bank and pach on channels 1,2,..,16 in general midi multi (mix bank four patch 000). I will storage my sequences in my 8MB flash memory card.

: First off, which Demo are you referring to? The
: EuroDance card has 4 (+ the hidden one).

: Now, are you trying to create a sequence file
: that uses the same mix as one of the demos,
: or just a sequence file that uses the EuroDance
: programs?

: As best as I can tell, the midi data in the demos
: set up their own unique mix, so they are not using
: one of the built in mixes, though they might be.

: If you want to use the specific mix from a demo,
: then once the demo ends, save that mix into one
: of your user mixes (It's still the active mix
: once the demo ends).

: I was playing with the mix that Gretchen (demo 03)
: uses. I could see what program each channel did
: by cycling through all the channels (with the
: keyboard mode set to CH SOLO of course).

: If the problem is at a higher level, i.e. the
: program changes are always changing to GM
: instruments, make sure that GM is off in the
: global edit menu and that PROGRAM ENABLE is on
: in the MIX EDIT menu. If both of these are true
: then program changes should change within the
: active bank.

: OK, I've rambled enough, does any of this help
: or can you be more specific about your question?

: CF

: : How can I do to create a sequence file the same mode that Eurodance QCard demo? This card send sysex messages for use the another presets that general midi bank. How can I do this?

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