Re: Importing sounds/samples

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Posted by Chris Stricker on September 05, 1999 at 01:37:45:

In Reply to: Re: Importing sounds/samples posted by Shakil on September 03, 1999 at 12:43:29:

Sorry, should have been more clear. We are a three piece and don't utilize midi sequences...mainly looking for the patches on the Yamaha keyboard with out having to have both keyboards there or purchasing a rack. Guess I could sample the sounds and import them that way.

: : I was using a Yamaha sy-87 before purchasing the QS8.1. We have a number of song that our group does that were developed on the Yamaha Keyboard...what is the best way to port the sounds...or convert, etc?

: Save the songs in GM0 MIDI format. Then play on QS with GM Banks. And then change sounds of each channel to your taste. Finally, do the Effects setup for each song.

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