Posted by Chris on September 07, 1999 at 17:51:06:
I'm trying to figure out how exactly to use freeloader. My understanding is that I can use this application to store my QS6's banks as a back up precaution. I also thought that I could use it to load the .syx banks I got off of the alesis web site on to my QS6. If this is correct then I don't know what I'm doing wrong, because I can't seem to do anything with freeloader. I can't figure out how to even load the .syx patch files from Alesis web page into the freeloader program. Furthermore, while I can recieve .syx data via midi from my QS6 to freeloader, when I try to open the new file, it say freeloader can't read the file type. I'm using a PIII 450, running Cakewalk- that's about it. Any help on how to use freeloader would be greatly appreciated. It seems like it should be one of those easy apps. to figure out. Am I dense? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!