In Reply to: Novice user posted by Tom Straight on September 30, 1999 at 08:26:57:
: Just got my new QS6.1 last night and I am just knocked out by the sounds. Mind you this is my first
: synth, I'm 49 and have been a die hard bass player all my life. I was doing fine until I tried to hook
: the keyboard into my computer and install the software. I found no installation instructions accept
: for the one that shows a movie of Alesis products so I had to nose around in each directory for the
: program for particular program on the disk. I installed SOUNDBRIDGE and FREELOADER.
: Is FreeLoader the sequencing program? I installed the drivers but when it asked me if I wanted
Hi Tom, try loading the Steinberg Cubasis for the sequence program (at least I think thats the one they're including w/ the 6.1, at least that's the one that was w/ my qs8.
: or I really didn't know what to put so I put . I have the QS6.1
: attached to the computer via the proper cable. Everything is turned on but the driver sends the
: message " No synth connected " ????? Is this normal? or did I do something wrong.
I finally gave up on the serial cable (but you can get it to work if you check out the previous discussions in the forum archives). I'm using the game port device to hook my midi-in and midi-out. Works good for me because I download only sequences and bank/voice data to and from qs8. But serial connection is a great advantage if your going to load in new samples from your pc onto a flashram card in the keyboard.
: Any help you young midi minded people can give this old analog dog would be much appreciated.
I'm an old fart too, 46.
: Thank you
: Tom Straight