I've been around and around with both Alesis and MOTU about getting my Alesis QS8 to slave via it's BNC Word Clock from my MOTU 2408's BNC Word Clock Out and it just doesn't work no matter how many different ways I've tried to hook it up (terminators, using Alesis brand word clock cables, etc...). I'm currently slaving the 2408 off of the QS8's Lightpipe signal, but I'm going to be "up a creek without a digital paddle" sort of speak when I NEED to slave my entire digital system's clock off of video or perhaps a digital S/PDIF device (like a Proteus 2000) that doesn't have a word clock input... Has ANYONE had any success clocking the QS7/8 synths off of MOTU'd Digital Timepiece, or Aardvark's AardSync II or Sync DA or similar? I've even thought of tring an Alesis AI-1 because this has a "48Khz Out" BNC on the back that would drive the QS. I do not have ADATs and, of course, don't have a BRC to make this word clock thing to work right. Any thoughts anyone??? Thanks.