In Reply to: Re: loading sounds into Quadrasynth - any advice or help??? posted by Mike on December 16, 1999 at 14:11:27:
: : Hi,
: : I'm finally sequencing using a PC now instead of my old Atari. I own an old quadrasynth, have never taken the time to load new sounds.
: : I remember that for the Korg M1 there was an editor that allowed you to select a sound on the computer, the data was transferred to the synth and you could store it directly if you wanted.
: : As I don't want to particularly buy a sound card, which I would have to , as I understand from this site, to use sysex files, I was wondering if anyone knows of a similiar program for the PC? Or would someone have some advice for me? I really like my Alesis and I want to keep it...
: : Thanks in advance...
: : Simon
: Are you playing the sequences from your computer on your Quad?
: If so, you already have all the connections you need to load sysex data.
: If not, you're missing a big part of the power of computer sequencing,
: and for the $25 it would take to get a cheap, no-name sound card, and the $25 to get a cable,
: you can get a whole new world of fun, plus the ability to load Quad voices with sysex.
: Considering how expensive everything ESLE in in this hobby, this isn't bad :o)
: Mike
You don't even need a soundcard. Remember that the QS has a serial port out. Just get a serial cable and connect your synth to your computer's serial port.
As for transferring sounds do you want to transfer banks/patches or are you referring to samples? Both can be transferred. To transfer samples, you'll need a pcmcia card for your synth. You can use soundbridge to transfer the samples.
For transferring banks/patches, Unisyn (it came with that handy cd that came with your synth) will allow you to do this. Cubase will also do this with what they call "modules". I'm still learning the details though.