In Reply to: sysex once again posted by woody on February 03, 2000 at 23:26:55:
Hi Woody,
: I have the sysex for changin to Gen Midi, and for changing to mix mode, but is there a way to change the mix number and make sure you in User Mix when you change.
Sure. You want to do all these steps
1. Get out of GM Mode
GM OFF F0 00 00 0E 0E 10 00 00 02 00 F7
2. Get into Mix mode
Mix mode select: F0 00 00 0E 0E 0D 01 F7
3. Get to bank 4
That's not sysex, that's controller #0. Your sequencer should do that.
4. Get to mix 76.
To set MIDI MixSl (p.10) value the Sysex is:
Sysex for MixSl Ch: F0 00 00 0E 0E 10 00 05 00 xx F7
where xx is the value to send for the following results:
xx = result
00 Off
01 On
02-17 Ch 01-16
Example: use 17 in place of xx to select Channel 16 as the Mix Select
Now send a bank and patch change message to Ch 16 as
you usually do with your sequencer. The patch# will be used to select
a mix# instead, in the bank you specified.
: I ve read the sysex docs and tried about a hundred combos, but cant seem to get it.
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. The "docs" suck... but Alesis believes that's the
best they can do for you.
: I wish alesis would figure out how to use plain english in the darn manuals.
You're not the first, but they don't believe they can do any better.