Cakewalk PA9 not sending correct voices to QS8.1

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Posted by doug on February 22, 2000 at 20:03:32:

OK, look...I have called the Alesis ppl, I went to the music store where I boght this s%^t, and either
I'm just not understanding or something. I cannot get Cakewalk to always send the voices I tell it to
after taking a midi file I have DOWNLOADED FROM THE NET, and changed the voices..
I tried to use track properties/midiomni/ QS8 (I have the ins file)/contoller 0/bank # and patch #.
Then I was taught to "record the voice in" by arming the track, and clicking on record, then hitting
the patch buttons on the QS during the first silent measure fo the file.
A third thing I did was to actually go into the event list, and input the control event. There, I noticed
that using the previous method had somehow come up as controller 'normal' rather than 0. So I changed
My problem is, even though all the tracks SAY they are the correct voices, the QS does not PLAY them.
I try it in GM midi multi, and in multi user,neither one of them work. The funny thing is, this only happens
on SOME of the files. Others seem to get changed/edited just the way I tell them to. I am very frustrated..
Can anyone help? PS - I also have made sure the bank 0 in the sysex window is empty - and, the tracks
ARE on different midi channels.

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