In Reply to: Re: Can Cakewalk Pro Audio loop individual tracks? posted by Eric on March 20, 2000 at 04:32:07:
: : For example:
: : - Track 1 looped from measure 1 to 5
: : - Track 2 plays normally for whole length of song
: : - Track 3 loops from measure 16 to 20
: : - Track 4 plays normally from measure 4 until the end of song
: you CAN'T do that with cakewalk or cubase or logic !!!
: If you want to have something on a track to be looped, you must copy it and paste it several times . in fact, with all these sequencers, there is only one loop at a time and it's normal : how can you have something that loops from measure 1 to 5 and , at the same time, another track looping from 10 to 16 ????
: to do what you want, use the copu and paste function to simulate a loop with the events you want .
: Bye
Hey! My old 8-bit Atari sequencer could do it! You could insert a loop (actually a "goto") command in any individual track, at any point. It would make the track jump to any point in the track.
You could also have tracks that were like master control loops. They held commands that would start/stop/loop other tracks.
I guess you don't need to be so efficient now that computers have more than 130K RAM. Plus, sequences could get pretty confusing with all those jumps and loops.
--- artofcode