Re: QS8 assistance for a blind user

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Posted by woody on September 15, 1999 at 23:35:46:

In Reply to: QS8 assistance for a blind user posted by Chip on September 15, 1999 at 14:44:03:


you don't have to rely only on the GM pas=tches for you sequences. The simplest thing I have found is to Enter MIX mode, by hitting the mix key select 00 and then select all the sounds you want asigned for each channel as they are in your sequence. I personally save the mixes for each song by downloading them into cakewalk, and having it upload that mix at the beginning of each song. But a simpler way is just to at the beginning of each track have the sequencer send a patch change for that track, then you know each sound is correct.

I'm using cakewalk pro audio 8 and by using hte instrument definitions with it, it makes all of this relativley simple to do.

Good luck


: Like most of the QS8 users I've read about so far, I'm stuck using the GM banks of songs in my sequences. I understand that I need to go into global and set GenMidi off, Midi Prg Sel, and in Mix in need to set to multitimberl bank 00. Or at least that's they way I think I understand it. Some one also said that for my current GM files, I need to send a GM on at the start and GM off and the end of each file. Ok. Sounds great., However, is there any sysex message I can place either in a file of it's own, or the start of my sequences that will do the things I need done in the global and mix menus?Not being able to see the display, it should would make life easier, if was able to do everything I needed from a bit of code. Also, what would be the gm on and off messages that I need to place in my GM files that I already have?

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