Posted by Randy on September 10, 2000 at 08:33:07:
In Reply to: Re: Desperately needing HELP!! posted by Chris on September 01, 2000 at 19:53:12:
: Hi
: The #1 rule to make midi files for load and playback thru QS and flash card, is to use GM order when you make the file.
: QS works like a GM playback (i hope you have the order of the 128 General Midi instruments).
: If you don't know the order take a look at QS GM bank to see it.
: If you have only QS to get your sounds, then everytime you write midi files for playback, use QS GM bank to write it.
: What is the problem? For example lets say you make your midi file using QS PRESET 1 bank. You use program 018 "Basic Bell" 050 "Violonist" and 038 "WorldSitar".
: BUT when QS try to play it back it uses the GM Bank Order and of course it use program 018 "Rock Organ" 050 "SynString1" and 038 SynthBass2".
: I think it is obvious why your midi files are so wrong when play back by QS.
: Chris
So the answer is "No it is not possible to use the QS voices?"