Posted by Kevin on September 12, 2000 at 23:07:40:
In Reply to: Re: Desperately needing HELP!! posted by Randy on September 10, 2000 at 08:33:07:
: : Hi
: : The #1 rule to make midi files for load and playback thru QS and flash card, is to use GM order when you make the file.
: : QS works like a GM playback (i hope you have the order of the 128 General Midi instruments).
: : If you don't know the order take a look at QS GM bank to see it.
: : If you have only QS to get your sounds, then everytime you write midi files for playback, use QS GM bank to write it.
: : What is the problem? For example lets say you make your midi file using QS PRESET 1 bank. You use program 018 "Basic Bell" 050 "Violonist" and 038 "WorldSitar".
: : BUT when QS try to play it back it uses the GM Bank Order and of course it use program 018 "Rock Organ" 050 "SynString1" and 038 SynthBass2".
: : I think it is obvious why your midi files are so wrong when play back by QS.
: : Chris
: So the answer is "No it is not possible to use the QS voices?"
: Randy
If you have the QS set up with General Midi on, then you can only use the GM sounds,
but if you turn General Midi off, you can use the other QS sounds as well, even with a flash card.