Program chart / Resonator

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Posted by Andreas on June 11, 1999 at 04:57:16:

In Reply to: Re: Program chart posted by Joe on June 10, 1999 at 23:33:31:

: I have also looked for such a chart and not found one. I am contemplating writing a program that would analyze the patches and tell me what mod sources do what.

: Varying the filter cutoff frequency in real time is such a common thing that the filter has a setting that lets you use the mod wheel to vary it. [...]

If you want, we can team up and make such a chart as soon as I have my own QS (should be in a about a week).
How can the mod wheel be set to vary the filter cutoff?
Finally, I read about emulating a resonator effect with different methods (inverse flanger (?), various saw waves). My question: doesn't the QS have a built-in resonator in the effect processor? Is there a difference between the one to be emulated and the one in the effect processor?

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