The QuadraSynth Forum - Archived Messages - Part 10.
Archived Messages :
[ Part 13. ]
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[ Part 11. ]
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[ Part 7. ]
[ Part 6. ]
[ Part 5. ]
[ Part 4. ]
[ Part 3. ]
[ Part 2. ]
[ Part 1. ]
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- How to Make/Buy a preamp for my microphone... - Eric (Shattre) 3/04/2001
- QS7 midi problems - Jon 3/03/2001
- QS8.1/Unisyn/Digital Performer patch problem HELP! - Tim 3/02/2001
- qs6.1 fact or fiction? - Joe Kennebeck 3/01/2001
- awave for Mac?? - Bruce 3/01/2001
- Syx drums and percussion - W. Phil Phillips 2/27/2001
- interference/clicks when using effects - KJ 2/27/2001
- Very technical question - Chris 2/26/2001
- Help with Channel 10 drum problem - Mike 2/25/2001
- Differentiating... - Kyle K. 2/25/2001
- start/stop from QS8.1? - Marc 2/24/2001
- Problem with Modwheel (QS8) - Andreas 2/24/2001
- Help!-Sam's Piano Patches - Bill D. 2/23/2001
- Please check out my song made with the QSR - The Fuzzy Green Carpets 2/22/2001
- Opcode Vision names file and cards - Michael Scheidt 2/22/2001
- Pitchwheel and Volume Control problems (repost)... - Shattre 2/21/2001
- Gig Bag - Shane 2/21/2001
- Just some general questions - Chuck 2/20/2001
- Module+QS6.1+PC.. But HOW?? - Le 2/20/2001
- is Creative Sb Live 5.1 good ?? - sahnie 2/20/2001
- WHat is daisy Chain??Need to get them Talking to each other.HELP!!! - sekemi 2/20/2001
- say it aint so? - bsmith6965 2/18/2001
- newbie - steve spear 2/18/2001
- How to wah and stuff like that... - Shattre 2/16/2001
- bank changes in QS8 controlled by cubase ???? help - paul 2/16/2001
- Control sliders QS8 - Larsa 2/16/2001
- Strange Pitchwheel disorder and volume control problem... - Eric 2/16/2001
- Introduction... - Shattre 2/16/2001
- Piano sounds - Phred 2/16/2001
- Only to QS & CAKEWALK users - Nvaz 2/16/2001
- strange sounds - Eric 2/15/2001
- Unisyn Installation ?!? - Lunnis 2/15/2001
- LOST CD --- UNISYN - KJ 2/15/2001
- *** Sequencing my QS with Cakewalk *** - Nelson Vaz 2/14/2001
- QS6 serial driver for Windows 2000 - rus 2/14/2001
- My QSR Gone Mad - Tommy Salvato 2/13/2001
- Storing sequences?! - Jimmy 2/12/2001
- QCard banks and Cakewalk INS file - Nelson Vaz 2/12/2001
- Flash or SRAM: Are they worth it?? - Kent 2/10/2001
- NanoSynth (QS6) vs. QS6.1: Is it worth it? - Chuck 2/08/2001
- Changing banks/patches on Quadrasynth Plus Piano - Kevin W. 2/08/2001
- Selling or trading my Classical Quadracard - jeff b 2/08/2001
- Creating Sysex file in Cubase? - Greg Jones 2/08/2001
- Loading QSR sysex into QS 6.1 - Jon Stan 2/08/2001
- "Bad midi header received" in UNISYN - Stefan Heumann 2/08/2001
- Prophet Synth patches for QS6? - Stefan Heumann 2/08/2001
- mac/alesis/motu downward spiral - dewshan 2/07/2001
- Soundbridge 3.1 keyboard not responding error - Keeley Jones 2/07/2001
- Mix Mode User 0 and Effect Problem - Gil 2/07/2001
- Interesting Program Mixes - Mitch 2/07/2001
- QSR & QS6.1 Patches - Nelson Vaz 2/06/2001
- Effects changes in Midi file - Greg Jones 2/05/2001
- Sharing QS8 patches - Greg Jones 2/05/2001
- Average cost of a QSRam Card - Nelson Vaz 2/05/2001
- QSR and Roland A-70 - ec 2/05/2001
- Take apart a QS8 - Chris 2/05/2001
- I Keep having problems during Midi Sessions with my QS6.1 - Antagonist 2/04/2001
- Sending filter & resonance changes to QS6.1 - †Martyr† 2/04/2001
- MIDI Help - Chuck 2/02/2001
- SUSTAIN PEDAL SPECS - Sev 2/02/2001
- presario 1725 / cdr/w - FRANK SANTOS 1/31/2001
- presario 1725 / cdr/w - FRANK SANTOS 1/31/2001
- new synth - BEAKER 1/31/2001
- MOTU PCI324 / DualQuantum 9.1g SCSIwide HD. - Tracquer 1/30/2001
- Maximum "load" capacity of a SRAM card...? - Nelson Vaz 1/30/2001
- .Wav files playback on QS6.1 - Nelson Vaz 1/30/2001
- Prease tell me online shop. - tekkan 1/29/2001
- How do I get QS6 drum samples for use on my QSR? - Steve Sheaffer 1/29/2001
- broken keys - makalei 1/29/2001
- Recording Dry? - Gary B. 1/29/2001
- Midi Help - JoeX 1/28/2001
- audio logic - José Ferreira 1/28/2001
- Making a QSR7.1 to PC Cable - DL Sax 1/28/2001
- Unisyn Problem - Chuck 1/26/2001
- QS SoundEditor Pro Update Notice - SoundTower 1/25/2001
- Alesis QSR and 3 QCards for sale - clavier 1/25/2001
- SPDIF to USB? Analog to USB? - Tore 1/25/2001
- NIN sound - Shane 1/25/2001
- Sending MIDI messages and Using Thru port - Corey Taylor 1/25/2001
- QS8 as controller - Kurt Martin 1/24/2001
- Emagic - Figuerol 1/24/2001
- unisyn version with QSX.1 synth's - Kevin M 1/24/2001
- Real time controlling the QS6.1-slidders - Matt Kehoe 1/24/2001
- QS7 and random aftertouch - Robson Luis 1/24/2001
- Qcard for sale/trade in France - eric 1/24/2001
- transposing the octave range of a key spilt - geoff 1/23/2001
- Alesis support? - Ken Carney 1/23/2001
- Hip-Hop QCard for auction - Les 1/23/2001
- feedback noise - Eric 1/23/2001
- Still no Film Score Q-Card at Namm Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - TForth 1/22/2001
- lost serial number - brian brooks 1/22/2001
- How to put banks form user to a sram card ? - Eric 1/21/2001
- QS6/Nanosynth Patch Banks - Chuck 1/20/2001
- Q-CARD QUERY - Matt 1/19/2001
- QS7, Aftertouch & SysEx - Robson Luis 1/18/2001
- Sustain Pedals for QS6.1 - Nelson Vaz 1/18/2001
- Anybody using Digidesign Pro Tools FREE?? - Brent 1/18/2001
- QSpatch from Cunning-Software with Alesis QS8 - Bertil Fougstedt 1/17/2001
- Patch List for QS6.1 - Nelson Vaz 1/16/2001
- windows 2000 drivers! - Jon 1/16/2001
- QS 6.1 -> Cubasis: HELP!!! - Jason 1/14/2001
- sram vs. flash - Jeff 1/13/2001
- SRAM CARDS 1 Mb - eric 1/11/2001
- Program mode won't work - ChrisJ 1/11/2001
- New Q-Cards!! - Rod 1/11/2001
- How do I reset my QS7.1 - Tom Wehrle 1/10/2001
- Hearing midi sequences on QS8 from Cakewalk 9.03 - Mark 1/10/2001
- Flash Ram card for QS8?? - Kevin 1/10/2001
- Mod Wheel - Ken Hal 1/10/2001
- Amplifying the Alesis - mitchell thomashow 1/09/2001
- questions - Joe 1/08/2001
- questions - Joe 1/08/2001
- questions - Joe 1/08/2001
- Real beginner question - Ken Carney 1/08/2001
- QS 6.1 Setup Problem - may 1/08/2001
- Changes on the Fly - ChrisJ 1/08/2001
- How do I play the GM drums on my QS 6.1? - Jacob W 1/07/2001
- Pentium 4 slower than its predecessor - Jack 1/06/2001
- Metronome Question - CJ 1/06/2001
- General Midi drums ???? - Marcel Jacques 1/06/2001
- MIDI help 6.1 and n-track - Karl Batschke 1/05/2001
- Sounddriver problem with effects - greg 1/05/2001
- QS6.1 CD-Sample Needed - Nelson Vaz 1/05/2001
- EDITING - BSMITH6965 1/04/2001
- Creating a Mix? - Kevin 1/03/2001
- Trigger Dums on QS - ET 1/03/2001
- fruity loops and the alesis qs6.1 and midi - diordna 1/03/2001
- Jazz Piano Q-Card - jon 1/02/2001
- Problem with looped samples - QS8 - Pedro Feijão 1/02/2001
- Sequencing Help? - Randy 1/01/2001
- Need Help with QS6.1 Synth (Qcard/Slot Issues) - John Brown 12/31/2000
- QCARD/Soundbridge question. Feedback Requested Please. Thanks - JB 12/31/2000
- cakewalk 6.0 user's guide - angelo 12/31/2000
- Strings & Flute replaced by Piano voice when I export to .mid file format - Brian J 12/31/2000
- QCARD/Expansion slot/USER Bank storage issues. PLEASE HELP!!! - John Brown 12/31/2000
- User bank wiped clean - Jon Marken 12/30/2000
- New CD - Larry McDonough 12/30/2000
- Anyone Done Any Recording? - Jeremy Jones 12/30/2000
- QS8.1 & QCard Correction - Marion 12/29/2000
- QS8.1 & Qcard Extra Banks - Marion 12/29/2000
- Turning Midi to Audio - Bobby Q 12/29/2000
- problem with cakewalk drum patch...QS8.1 - Byoung Woo 12/27/2000
- QS8 keys - kyle 12/26/2000
- Help! - QS8 into a Mac - Kevin 12/26/2000
- QS Card Wizard? - Mike 12/26/2000
- FREE QCard - tekkan 12/25/2000
- Audio/Midi Problem - Neil 12/25/2000
- QS7 Display - Ian 12/25/2000
- How do you set a Midi file to a certain patch? - Gregory 12/24/2000
- i need help . . . midi quitting on QS - Chad 12/23/2000
- M1-saxheaven - Andy K 12/23/2000
- Recording straight out of the QS8? - Jamaal 12/22/2000
- Burning Cubase files to Flash Cards!?!?!?!?! - Jamaal W. C. 12/22/2000
- QS8.1 Librarian/Editors - Dean 12/20/2000
- How much space for midi sequences on ram cards? - Al 12/19/2000
- Converting midi to audio in Cubase - Greg Jones 12/19/2000
- qs6.1 serial connection (windows) - elmo 12/18/2000
- QS6.1 serial port not working - Isaac Peña 12/18/2000
- Setting up QSR for Sequencer Use - Gary Persons 12/17/2000
- QSR Midiax guitar pickup - Rick Drury 12/16/2000
- PCMCIA card data extraction? - Greg Jones 12/14/2000
- Q-Card recomendation for clean sounds - torbjorn 12/13/2000
- SoundDiver 3.0 and QS-7 - Torbjorn 12/13/2000
- Keyboard for 13 year old - Kurt Robertson 12/13/2000
- Single key volume adjustable on QS8? - Paul S 12/13/2000
- help needed: QS manual -- how to get - Jerry 12/13/2000
- Best piano snd: Alesis QS8.1, Korg N1, others? - Nancy 12/12/2000
- Anyone else noticed this effects problem? - Dante 12/12/2000
- Sound Fonts - Cybersherrie 12/12/2000
- QS7 and Sony minidisc recorder help - Hkimchi 12/11/2000
- QS8.1 Keyboard split - how do you do it? - Matt 12/10/2000
- QS8.1 Keyboard split - how do you do it? - Matt 12/10/2000
- andromida 6 - makalei 12/09/2000
- Noisy QS6.1 -Anyone else? - Bob 12/09/2000
- Educational Institutions With GOOD Alesis QS6 / Cakewalk Training? - Jerry Jones 12/06/2000
- Anybody Using Cakewalk Professional 8 + QS6??? - Jerry Jones 12/05/2000
- QS6: Can I "Match" A Particular Instrument? - Jerry Jones 12/05/2000
- P.S. - Jerry Jones 12/05/2000
- QS+ Piano BANK Changes in Cakewalk - Daniel 12/05/2000
- Synth to MIDI Direct or Adapter? - TheImperia 12/04/2000
- Clavioline and Farfisa sounds on QS8 - Dick Moritz 12/04/2000
- Controlling Drum Machine from QS8 - Kieran 12/04/2000
- Classical Instruments Plus QCard brand new for $65 - Paul Spaeth 12/03/2000
- A MUST READ FOR "Q-CARD" BUYERS............. - bsmith6965 12/01/2000
- q card - bsmith6965 12/01/2000
- Looking for a good vocoder carrier signal - cyx0n 12/01/2000
- q-plus editor - wolly 11/30/2000
- Mix EFX - ET 11/30/2000
- Need MIDI help! - Corey 11/30/2000
- SAVING!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHH - BSMITH6965 11/29/2000
- Review mix's - Shane 11/29/2000
- QS 6.1 midi problems - Douglas H. Hook. 11/29/2000
- Alesis QS 6.1/Korg N5EX - JH 11/28/2000
- Want to hear Sanctuary pipes! - Chris 11/28/2000
- QS 6.1 patch editor - Michael 11/27/2000
- Loading speed of midifiles from a flah card - McTinus 11/27/2000
- QS8 lightpipe to adat - dragonworks 11/26/2000
- irregular tuning - bovlomov 11/24/2000
- qs6 and cakewalk - Jan Edaman 11/24/2000
- Classical Instruments Plus QCard for sale on Ebay! - Paul Spaeth 11/23/2000
- INS file..I'll ask this again - Michael 11/22/2000
- Serial drivers with windows me? - Mike Dallin 11/22/2000
- Quadrasynth Plus Piano PROGRAM CHART - Daniel 11/21/2000
- Starting a sequence in the QSR - Gerry 11/20/2000
- Recording(Sequencing on my QS.6) - Matthew M. Dawson III 11/20/2000
- Recording(Sequencing on my QS.6) - Matthew M. Dawson III 11/20/2000
- Recording(Sequencing on my QS.6) - Matthew M. Dawson III 11/20/2000
- Quadrasynth for £400... good buy? - dinesh 11/20/2000
- santana sound - Charlie Untermeyer 11/19/2000
- QS6.1 and Cakewalk Pro 8 - Jason Stanfield 11/19/2000
- Sys Ex file from Freeloader - Dante 11/18/2000
- pcmcia midi card for windows 2000 - James Gragert 11/16/2000
- Need Help Now...Please - Tonya Dickens 11/16/2000
- QS8 vs. anything else! - Matthew Oden 11/16/2000
- QS 7.1 for Sale - Less than 1 yr old - John S 11/14/2000
- s4 plus...need tutorial!!!! - bryan 11/14/2000
- Sustain Pedal problem - QS8.1 - Sterling 11/12/2000
- Piano patches - Peter 11/12/2000
- broken keys - michael 11/12/2000
- QS8 vs. QS8.1 ? - John Sullivan 11/11/2000
- SoundDiver won´t work. - torbjorn oiesvold 11/10/2000
- Which interface for freeloader? - torbjorn oiesvold 11/10/2000
- QSR and sequence playback - Mark 11/10/2000
- Dance/techno-patches. - torbjorn oiesvold 11/09/2000
- QS-7 won´t respond to more than midi cha.1-4.Hello Alesis forum. - torbjorn oiesvold 11/09/2000
- Effects saving in Mixes...maybe not what'd you'd think - Kent 11/07/2000
- ref Cubasis with DJX - jon 11/06/2000
- Roland MC-303 and Alesis - Corey 11/06/2000
- Jazz Organ (for Nanosynth or QS7) - Sonny 11/05/2000
- Buzzzzzzz - Dave Sandstrom 11/04/2000
- controlling QSR sounds - *Igor P. 11/04/2000
- qcard mp3`s? - Rogsta 11/04/2000
- Using Quadrasynth samples/patches in QSR - Terry Miller 11/03/2000
- Putting sounds in NanoSynth (0r QS7) - Sonny 11/03/2000
- Editing instrument definitions in Cakewalk? - Pat 11/02/2000
- Cakewalk HS9 and the QSR - Pat 11/02/2000
- Alesis Optical out With Soundblaster Live! Drive - Don W. Gibbs 11/01/2000
- about qs8 - Michele 11/01/2000
- Creating looped samples for QS - Frank L 11/01/2000
- Problem with QS7 display - Robson Luis 10/31/2000
- Others with SoundDiver problems? - Charles S. 10/30/2000
- AsdWin - Medox 10/30/2000
- QSR with laptop for live performances - Glen Johnson 10/30/2000
- midi in not responding nor is any sound coming out - DJ Hakdaddy 10/29/2000
- QS8 midi sync w/adat audio - Jerry Dragon 10/29/2000
- Quick!! I need desperate help! - Martyr 10/28/2000
- Implications of Price Drop - Gil Page 10/27/2000
- Farfisa & Q-Card - Tim H 10/27/2000
- Cant get my audio keyboard to work??? - Mark 10/27/2000
- Drumkits on Hip_Hop Qcard - Wfrank 10/26/2000
- getting sounds from my comp. into s4 user banks - Darryl Brooks 10/25/2000
- Stereo Jazz Piano Card - Jon 10/25/2000
- QS7 Aftertouch in MIDI output - Scott 10/25/2000
- How do you split the keyboard on the QS8? - NeoMatixx 10/24/2000
- Problem with Right Output on QS 6.1 - jean 10/24/2000
- Drums for the rhythmly impaired... - Michael P 10/24/2000
- help - alfonso bustamante 10/24/2000
- Service Manual Any Good? - Randy 10/24/2000
- help - this is driving me nuts! - Michael 10/23/2000
- Hotkeys in Cake - John 10/23/2000
- QSR and VST studiomodule setup - George F 10/22/2000
- freeload for Alesis QS7 - alma 10/22/2000
- EZ Vision - bejamin b. 10/22/2000
- freestyle won't recognize Q-card - dew 10/22/2000
- Vintage combo organ - Randy Getz 10/22/2000
- Patch Names in DP 2.3 with QS6.1 - Asa 10/21/2000
- Need QS8.1 CD-ROM - Ward Johnson 10/20/2000
- Disappearing User Bank! - Randy 10/20/2000
- QS8 and Mac G3 interface problems. - Ward Johnson 10/19/2000
- Help?! - josh 10/19/2000
- HELP!!! with LOGIC Audio - Keller 10/19/2000
- drum definitions - Michael 10/17/2000
- drum definitions - Michael 10/17/2000
- MMT 8 and roland U20 - Steve Hendrix 10/16/2000
- What is a soundfont? - Greg Jones 10/16/2000
- Hooking it all to a PC, using Cubase - Chris 10/16/2000
- Quad Knobs as drawbars? - Bruce 10/15/2000
- RAM card problem - Jay 10/15/2000
- 6.1: Deleting Sounds! - Will Pfeff 10/15/2000
- Leslie WANTED - Mike 10/15/2000
- problems getting a complete mix in sysx on a qsr - Kristian Hägg 10/14/2000
- Keith's Hammond - Tim Bradley 10/13/2000
- How do I change the tempo of rhythm sounds? - Wes Hunt 10/13/2000
- Like New QS7 w/ 3 Qcards up for auction on - dalas v. 10/12/2000
- 8MB and 516K Cards exactly descriptions - Nibardo 10/12/2000
- Wurlitzer ep sample - Bruce Haymes 10/12/2000
- What do I need to do to download a sysex file to my QS 8.1? - Wes Hunt 10/12/2000
- Volume Pedal question on QS8.1 - Sterling 10/12/2000
- I want buy 8MB Flash and 516 SRAM Cards! in Miami!! - Nibardo 10/11/2000
- My friend can't make the QS8 multi-timbral! - Pascal Abidor 10/10/2000
- Alesis M-EQ 230 - †Martyr† 10/09/2000
- Newbie Drum Question - Scott 10/09/2000
- HELP! New serial driver crashed laptop! - Chris/Power Salad 10/09/2000
- gate effect - Michael 10/09/2000
- Never clean house! - Chris 10/08/2000
- QS7.1 Windows 2000 serial drivers - Jakob Grimm 10/07/2000
- Sony Memory Stick in a QS keyboard? - Don Seay 10/06/2000
- TRADE QS CARD - Eric 10/06/2000
- New QS shareware editor available - Rod 10/06/2000
- Looking for that synth sound on Rush's Tom Sawyer - Bert 10/04/2000
- QSR serial connection problem - Bert 10/04/2000
- QS plus piano for sale - KC 10/04/2000
- Factory sound list for the Quadrasynth Plus Piano - Robert 9/30/2000
- Flash cards for Alesis QS synths - Mike B 9/29/2000
- Rhodes Patch for QS8? - Sean Higgins 9/29/2000
- Weird problem with QSR - Albert 9/29/2000
- Alesis QS7, £250 - good deal? - Neo Shrank 9/27/2000
- ProTools and OMS patch names - Kirk 9/27/2000
- cannot play cd in car - Mike Glanville 9/26/2000
- cannot play cd in car - Mike Glanville 9/26/2000
- iMac with keyspan serial adapter to QS8 problems - Bert 9/24/2000
- Drum Kits QS6.1 HELP????? - RF Mud 9/23/2000
- Cakewalk access to Mixes - Tom 9/23/2000
- Newbie need knowledge dump - Steve 9/23/2000
- Sounds to QS6.1... - Riku Morant 9/23/2000
- Feedback noise - Eric 9/21/2000
- Hooking it all up?!? - Corey 9/21/2000
- serial drivers - me 9/21/2000
- hubi midi loopback/ fruity loops/ logic audio - matt 9/20/2000
- Korg N5EX, Can you Loop? - Lance Buoncristiani 9/19/2000
- broken key - makalei 9/19/2000
- Alesis or Roland? - happy person 9/19/2000
- QS4 Mix Mode - Multiple Midi Channel Send problems - John 9/19/2000
- Problem with playing sequences from RAM card in QSR - Albert 9/19/2000
- recording songs - cody 9/18/2000
- Suit against Hammond Organ - Michael B. Kac 9/18/2000
- How quiet is quiet on the QS8? - Steve Howell 9/18/2000
- playing a sequence from flash ram - minstrelle 9/17/2000
- QS 6.1 and Roland MC-50 MKII - X Factor 9/17/2000
- sysx in cakewalk to save the whole work - Kristian Hägg 9/17/2000
- Les Winters is ill! - Earl Winters 9/16/2000
- How do I stop the Qcard sequences from....? - Paul W 9/15/2000
- Recording QS8 midi files to audio using Cubase - Greg Jones 9/15/2000
- CARDS - Eric 9/14/2000
- QS8 Notes are flat - Jeff Milburn 9/13/2000
- Newbie Sequencing ? - Steve 9/13/2000
- QS 6.1 Bank Changes & Controller Question - X Factor 9/12/2000
- Using ADAT output of QS8 with Core 2 soundcard - Greg Jones 9/12/2000
- mellotron sounds/QSR as sampler? - mellowman 9/14/2000
- Trouble saving sequences to Flash - Allen Ripperden 9/14/2000
- Help with volume control on mix channels - Don Seay 9/14/2000
- XP30 curious? - paul anderson 9/11/2000
- S4+ Outputs ballanced? - Daniel 9/11/2000
- Rebate - Kris Hennum 9/13/2000
- F/S 8MB Ram Card $80 - Tom H. 9/13/2000
- need electric piano sound - Eric 9/06/2000
- HELP! Cakewalk registration number lost - The Agnostic 9/06/2000
- bmm.3.0 - nency 9/05/2000
- How do I make a "repeating" sound trigger? - Brad 9/03/2000
- last minute emergency, anybody there? - scot 9/02/2000
- Classical Instruments Plus Q-Card - Martyr 9/02/2000
- Got the new amp - ET 8/30/2000
- Sending Bank and Program changes - Bob 8/28/2000
- recording mixes - Michael 8/28/2000
- qs6.1 pads? - Daniel Dam 8/28/2000
- F/S QS6.1, also 8MB Ram card - Tom H. 8/27/2000
- QS6.1 LCD backlight - Marton 8/26/2000
- Desperately needing HELP!! - Randy 8/26/2000
- QSR FOR SALE? - Alfonz 8/26/2000
- QS6 & Cubase 5.0 - Chris Charles 8/25/2000
- looking for sounds again - The Agnostic 8/24/2000
- Optical digital output and SB Live! Digital i/o - Stein Rimehaug 8/23/2000
- a good deal for a good amp - ET 8/23/2000
- QSR User Bank Doesn't Receive MIDI - Mike B 8/22/2000
- QS6.1 foot pedal calibration - Bob Richards 8/22/2000
- qsr and Band in a box - dave 8/22/2000
- Lost multitimbral mix? - Ali 8/16/2000
- Sample CD Trade - Vincent Floyd 8/13/2000
- Logic Audio Platinum (mac) $200.00 - Brian Reynard 8/12/2000
- Help with sequences?? - Randy 8/12/2000
- Training needed on the following equipment - Kerry Lord 8/12/2000
- Sending Card Sequence Data to External Devices - Bill Shepherd 8/11/2000
- Anyone use a QS6.1as a master controller live? - Bob 8/11/2000
- S4....whats it worth??? - RobF 8/11/2000
- Looking for the Plus upgrade... - Remi 8/11/2000
- test - test 8/10/2000
- Can't get QS8 to digital out with Aark24 - Kerry Lord 8/09/2000
- How to change progams with pedal - Shaun 8/09/2000
- Question about QS6.1 as a master controller - Bob 8/08/2000
- trouble getting a sound on qs6 - The Agnostic 8/08/2000
- Sample rate requirements - Greg Jones 8/07/2000
- Velocity Sensitive Organ? - Sonny 8/07/2000
- QS7 has problem. - Musicman 8/03/2000
- How do I assign those QS8.1 controllers? - Jeremy A. Ter Louw 8/01/2000
- cakewalk 8.0 Serial - Jorge Leyva 7/31/2000
- QS8/QSR and Alesis M1 active monitors?? - Paul Wheeler 7/31/2000
- QS6 and Phat Boy Midi Controller HELP!!!!!!! - Ian 7/31/2000
- Freeloader problems - Brian Cameron 7/29/2000